The Power of Narrative Conference has convened in several places under several names since its founding at Boston University in 1998. Our mission remains constant as storytelling journalism goes digital: helping narrative journalists to strengthen their craft skills, puzzle out the complex ethics of intimate journalism, and impart the down-to-earth humanity that is the genre's strength. Every year, we quickly sell all our seats. The conference talks are stimulating, sophisticated, practical and relevant, aimed at mid-career nonfiction storytellers in many media, offered by terrific and varied practitioners. The vigorous Q & A sessions following each talk keep us on-target. And, between sessions and at meal breaks we program in time to meet speakers and new colleagues and share ideas, aspirations, projects, networks.
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Earlier Event: March 1
Clearwater, Fla.: Gravens Conference on the Physical and Environmental Development of the High-Risk Infant
Later Event: April 8
Phoenix: National Association of Neonatal Therapists